Higashi Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii (Hawaii Betsuin), a Shin Buddhist temple, was established in 1916 when Rev. Shingyo Doi found a temporary chapel in Honolulu city. The meaning of "Betsuin" is a temple with special role to preserve and spread the Buddha's teaching among temples in a set area, in Hawaii District for us. In 1918, Rev. Kankai Izuhara was assigned as a minister. Then the temple was officially recognized as the "Honolulu Fukyojo (Honolulu Mission)" by the head temple (Higashi Honganji) in Kyoto, Japan. In 1921, Honolulu Mission moved to North King Street in Palama area. A new temple was built and recognized as the Hawaii Betsuin in the next year, and Rev. Izuhara became the first Rinban (Head Minister) of the Higashi Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii.
Due to the expansion of North King street, the temple was relocated to Banyan Street in 1938. World War II began in 1939 and Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese Navy, which triggered the beginning of the Pacific War in 1941. All resident ministers from Japan were forcibly placed in concentration camps and all religious activities were terminated until 1945. Rev. Nobuo Matsumoto was assigned as the first minister after the war. In 1983, the new Betsuin temple was built in the current location. The World Dobo Convention was held in 1989, and the new social hall, "Otani center" was built in 1992.